Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a good few weeks for art!

i've sold 5 paintings over the past 2 weeks, have 4 commissioned pieces on the go, and 5 or 6 pieces on hold for a friend. i really enjoy getting the older pieces out of the house, partly because i really need the room, but seriously - what good are paintings leaning in my hallway in a big stack? i've seen them already. i've sketched them, doodled them, painted them, fiddled with them. i'm over it. now i just want it to brighten someone else's room, you know?

perhaps this spring i'll have an "open house" for close friends - come on over and pick out anything in this pile for $20, that pile for $50, etc. just get it out of my house before one of those cleaning and organizing tv shows comes over to torture me.

i'll always be a disorganized packrat, but i'm working on it, and that counts for something, right?

since tomorrow is (technically) the first day of spring, here is a snow & ice slideshow for your entertainment: CLICK



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