cynthia gould dot com ~ art, poetry, music, life
Monday, February 25, 2008
deadlines really force creativity in a good way!
this album writing contest is truly kicking my butt in the best of ways. if there is a tight deadline, and my honour is on the line, i will get the job done. but if there is no consequence to my missing imaginary deadlines, so much falls by the wayside. i somehow finished several new painting in a week before my last (and last minute) art show at the martini lounge. why can't i crank it out like that all the time?
perhaps i'll be announcing challenges and self imposed deadlines to you, my friends, so that you will kick my butt if i slack off too much.
Labels: creativity
Friday, February 22, 2008

Just a Phase I'm Going Through (3) (purple)
24" x 24", acrylic ink on canvas, the pearl inks change in the light
Reg: $325
If purchased in the next two weeks, just $300!

Just a Phase I'm Going Through (4) (green)
24" x 24", acrylic ink on canvas, the pearl inks change in the light
Reg: $325
If purchased in the next two weeks, just $300!
Due to the... "issue" that happened at our house last week, we're installing a whack of new doors & windows. High security, high energy efficiency. It's an old house, and really needs the work. However, I need to make some extra money in the next few months. This weekend I'll be working on some commissioned pieces I'm way behind on, then I'll be paintings big cheap wild spring paintings. But only if I can make enough money for canvas... it's a weird circle. :)
If you know anyone who is currently decorating, please send them my link!
i can be reached at cynthia.gould AT
Labels: my art
Monday, February 04, 2008
wasting time, even when it's not my fault.
three full days & nights have been essentially wasted due to air pressure headaches, throwing my neck out in my sleep, and the resulting headache + air pressure headache. it's ridiculous. it's like my body is fighting against me.
meanwhile, i have 7 songs to write in 25 days, valentine paintings to finish, and various deadlines that made a lovely whooshing noise as they passed me by.
i wonder if there is any way i could take extra vacation time from the day job this year to catch up on the rest of my life. i'll be desperate for money, but i always am. i'm used to it. if i stick to my strict three year plan, i'll be out of debt then, but it would be a frikkin christmas miracle. heh heh.
this spring, i shall conjure an energy burst of epic levels that shall surge forth and help me catch up with my entire life. yes. it will happen.