Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's officially fall.

How is that even possible? But here I am at Word on the Street, buying as many books as I can afford / carry.
Fall always makes me assess the year, and the speedily passing life that I'm creepily vaugely near the middle of. It's so weird.
I have a feeling it will be a good, productive fall & winter. Much on the go. Many great plans. Catching up on a few things I'm behind on. Hopefully there will be some quiet weekends curled up with tea & all of the books I'm buying today.

I'm also writing another book of poetry this winter. It's time to turn all of these "half page of scribbled lines" notes into an actual project.

Time for another lap of the magazine section... Can never have enough Canadian books & magazines!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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