Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cannot believe fall has fallen

Due to health issues, I'm not permitted to have any stress until at least New Year. However, when I look at the infinite ToDoList for this fall, it's kind of giving me the willies. As Robert Rankin would say, "it gets the wind up".

I guess my only option is to take the advice I always give others. Make a list. Breathe. Do some of the list. Eat sleep breathe. All you can do is all you can do, right?

Perhaps after our two september shows the band can take a break to work on new material and just chill a bit. Although there is still a LOT of stuff to be done with the new EP... Getting it available online and sending to publishing comapnies and making press kits and getting photos done for that and losing 5 pounds before the photo shoot and I'll have to go shopping and... And...

And this is my brain spiralling out of control again. Just from ONE item on the list.

I've always been this way. Well, for the past 7 years or so, anyway. Can't really see me slowing down, that would be boring. Aye, but pacing myself. There would be the handy dandy trick.

So here I am on a subway, venting. Getting my thoughts in a row.

Weird world, this is.

One thing that is going to be convenient is some Art Bar stuff that will force me to arrive 2 hours early for 4 weeks. This will give me an actual pocket of writing time. Sitting quietly & writing is a total luxury. I am really looking forward to this new poetry collection. It's going to be very eclectic and offbeat, and different than much of my stage stuff. Different is good.

Oh yeah - I have a spoken word performance on october 25th. Details forthcoming. Will be my second reading of the year. Hmmm. Slow year. Slow is good. Mind you, I've had 7 shows with the band, so it all evens out. Even is good. To quote Mark Forward, (hope Meesh reads this!) "it's all about balance".
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At 10:05 PM , Blogger Jill said...

You should read Getting Things Done by David Allen and then it will all magically be better.


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