After an almost 3-year break... ~ art, poetry, music, life
- June 8th I recorded a podcast for "JR talks to people", which should be online soon.
Yesterday I sold 4 copies of my short stories on Spanish Amazon. Neat. <-- click for show details - we are playing at Stop, Drop & Roll on March 10th, Cherry Cola's on March 16th, and have 8 shows in total booked this year already. Plus a new website on Wednesday, a new EP and video stuff happening this spring. Get onthe mailing list, first page of the site, to stay in touch!! - Please turn email notifications on there so that you don't miss new posts!
One of the things about hot yoga that freaked me out in the beginning is that you are supposed to look at yourself in the mirror for most of the 90 minute class. Ick. Unless I am busy painting my face, or checking my teeth for spinach, staring at myself in a mirror is unsettling. I have never really understood vanity, and it just makes me uncomfortable.
Labels: #beacheshotyoga, #bikramyoga, #body, #CynthiaGould, #ghoshyoga, #healing, #hotyoga, #yoga
I am super excited about my latest project, and hope that you will all help me just a bit! Please check out the site, and use those share buttons at the bottom of each post - I'm hoping to get many people to Follow via Email (sidebar) and assist in spreading the word. We can change ourselves. We can get over Anxiety and Fear. We just have to have a plan, have a goal, and keep at it!
Labels: #Anxiety, #CynthiaGould, #IHaveASecret, #NewBlog, #SelfHelp, #Stress, #toronto
"Public Speaking for Shy, Nervous Folks Toronto"
I love hosting shows! I have always enjoyed event planning, crowd wrangling, and keeping the audience energy up, but when I'm hosting instead of performing, it allows me to be a cheerleader for the real performers. I know, a vivacious host is performing in a different way - it is both more and less stress at the same time, but I truly love it.
Labels: #CynthiaGould, #haikudeathmath, #showhosting, #toronto, #TorontoArt
I have always painted, drawn, doodled, created things that were visually expressive to me. Then I spent 3 years in college studying art history, typography, colour theory, composition, layout, and the ways of commercial art, graphic design, and visual communication.
Labels: #CynthiaGould, #LiveVisuals, #Painting, #TorontoArt, #VJ7thDeadly, #VJing