Friday, January 29, 2010

Next High Heels Lo Fi show:

Doors at 9, and we're on first, so please be early!
It's going to be a fantastic show.

Also - Mandy likes Chickees:

Monday, January 25, 2010

10 Minutes of my Spoken Word

Give it a listen if you're interested. Recorded Jan 5th at The Art Bar.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

restful holiday, frantic new year...

Tonight I'm reading poetry at The Art Bar (Clinton's, 8pm), Wednesday is rehearsal, Thursday is a meeting, Friday is a rehearsal then going to a show, Saturday we have a gig in London and come back Sunday afternoon in time to do laundry & clean house for next week.

I'm behind on every single project I'm working on.

If ever I've needed a volunteer personal assistant, it's this month. But that would end up being more work than it takes away. Maybe I could train myself to need less sleep. Maybe I'll take a vacation day mid-January and put a dent in the list. Maybe I should be figuring out what I'm reading tonight...