Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Please Vote!!!

Hey folks, if you could possibly spare 30 seconds, please click this link:

scroll down for blue SONGQUEST "Vote for this Artist" button, & click!

if you have 3 minutes, you can listen to Rhymes With Puck, which is our submission for CBC's new hockey song. (yeah, totally inappropriate, but hilarious!)
thank you!!!!
(you can vote every day until Dec 11)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fresh art!

Starting to think about shopping for the holidays? If there is anyone in your life who might appreciate original artwork instead of mass produced plastic whatnot, please email me! I can create a custom piece in the style / size / colour / budget you need - - contact me & let's chat? is finally back online!
New paintings under construction, and everything for sale will be posted ASAP.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Busy Fall!

October was a blur of rehearsals for our special Nerd Night show on the 16th, then a Halloween magic show for the kiddies, followed by a Toronto gig Nov 1 and a Brantford gig Nov 2 for Day of the Dead. Now it's time for songwriting, updating websites, and getting all of my own personal websites back on track, including Links to ALL of my sites will be there shortly... as soon as I have a much needed nap, coffee, and... what's this "laundry" I've heard so much about?