Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday October 16th

Don't miss a night of supreme nerdery! I'm learning about lasers. neato!

Saturday, September 07, 2013

fall 2013 update

so, redirects here for now, and i can update this blog from my phone. sassy! 

big news items:
- High Heels Lo Fi has a bunch of great shows coming up - sept 13, sept 15, oct 16  - for details!
- i am finally painting again! new work is on my facebook painting page for now, but a new site is on the way this winter. search "cynthia gould happy paintings" on facebook
- i am learning a bit of lighting tech! there have actually been a few concerts with me running the light mixing board. look out! 
- i am really in songwriting mode, and hope to do some more recording this winter. perhaps some solo stuff too. i might as well do one of those tracks where i do absolutely every instrument myself. good learning experience. 

take care & happy day!
- cyn