Friday, September 30, 2011

Art Sale!

CLICK HERE to check out some older paintings that i am selling at large discounts to get them out of my studio & clear room for new work. if there is anything you're interested in, please email cynthia.gould AT

I also do commissioned paintings! Pick a few paintings of mine you like, but request this size and that colour - i can sketch something just for you, and if you like it i'll paint it!

feel free to browse backwards through the older galleries to see many paintings already sold.

Monday, September 19, 2011

aye, 'tis mid-September

- avast, me hearties! shiver me timbers & pass the grog, it be International Talk like a Pirate Day!

(but not "type like a pirate day", so...)

- i survived the 3 Day Novel Contest again, just barely. i really should have taken that long weekend to rest. i don't think i'll do the contest again for a good long while.
- i've started painting again, and am busily sketching two different series. looking forward to seeing how it turns out. if you're looking for affordable holiday gifts, email me ASAP ( cynthia.gould at ) and we can chat about doing something special for you!
- New Art Blog -
- Photo Stream - (warning, some partial nudity)