Monday, May 11, 2009

Photos from The Final Pour:

Friday, May 08, 2009

where on earth will the bleeding hearts and the artists go now?

This Saturday, May 9th, is Last Last Call at The Renaissance Cafe.

i'm ferklmept just thinking about it.

that's where the first HHLF gig was. i've hosted so many shows there. i've performed both spoken word and music there, and shown my paintings. i've hosted the Toronto Tinfoil Hat Contest there. what other venue would let people hold "Kindergarten for 'Grown-Ups'"? HHLF jammed with bass & drums for the first time at the Ren. Mike & i held our 10th anniversary party there, and my 6 month old nephew Jack was bouncing on the bar "dancing". on the day we went on an open house tour and fell in love with our home, we went to the Ren after for a drink & discussion - and when... i think it was Colleen, asked how the house was, i just burst into tears because it was so perfect.
four days later, on the day we bought our house, our agent & the house inspector had to meet somewhere for a quick coffee to go over everything, and even though the Ren was closed, Randy saw us through the front window, let us in and made us coffee.

those couches have heard so many wonderful conversations. that stage has held so much wonder & beauty & honesty & warmth.

where on earth will the bleeding hearts and the artists go now?

Friday, May 01, 2009

High Heels Lo Fi...

Our next gig is Sunday May 31 at Annie's on Queen!

High Heels Lo Fi - live at the Reverb

more more more

i feel like i'm just not producing enough in the way of art.

could it be as simple as the clutter and lack of space holding me back?

i'm going to try this experiment... totally GUT my art room and start over. fresh space for fresh ideas. room for painting, writing, and guitar. will pitch or give away everything else in that room that isn't art supplies or tools that will be used in the next 3 months.

this should be interesting.

also, i need to create more time for sitting on the deck with friends. there is a lack of that. and it's finally the season to come out of hibernation.