this weekend is Ladyfest, Nuit Blanche, and i just found out it's also Word on the Street. don't think I'll be able to attend any of these, since i already have plans nearly all weekend.
friday is Mike's birthday, saturday i have to finish paintings, saturday night is dinner and possibly an appearance at a jam night, sunday i am finishing and likely hanging the art show. somewhere in there i have to shop for food, do laundry, cobble together a home life.
this past week has been a blur of working long hours at the day job and painting like crazy to catch up. i'm so far out of the loop i can't even see its edge on the horizon.
i ignore guilt at missing things, i ignore lack of sleep, i ignore everything possible. i have to.
it's the only way to survive and still find a few precious moments to work on my paintings, zine, guitar practice, new spoken word CD, songwriting, poetry... life....